Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Stress: Necessary Pressure

Quick note before we start this post - be sure to read all the way to the bottom for information on upcoming LifeWorks workshops on Navigating Workplace Change.
As the new year starts, parents and students alike are faced with that thing that can be either friend or foe, an impetus or a stumbling block.  That “thing” is STRESS.

New class schedules.  Kids to get off to school before you go to work.  New professors to impress or (at the very least) learn to understand.  Increased traffic on the streets.   All of these very necessary and normal activities and factors can create tremendous stress for all of us.

Stress can kill you.  You’d be surprised to discover how many full-blown illnesses have their beginnings in unchecked stress.  From irritable bowel syndrome to migraine headaches, the body is going to react to stress one way or another. 

Stress can be both internal and external. 

External stress is generally caused by forces beyond your control.  For example, deadlines set by superiors, field trips orchestrated by school administrators, tasks that show up at the last minute, or other things that pop up, none of which you can control.  You can only respond.

Internal stress is typically caused by your reaction to what is going on around you.  Your reaction is the only aspect you can absolutely control.  Know that controlling your response to stress goes a long way toward mitigating its effects.

We all experience stress.  Let’s face it:  it is a necessary part of life.  Besides being necessary, it is oftentimes unavoidable.  Something to consider as you think about trying to avoid your stressors is that without stress, there would be no growth.  Like exercising without any resistance added, certain muscles require stress for growth and strength training.  Stress often pushes us toward those tasks that are locked in cycles of procrastination.  Stress can be a good thing.  But in order for that to be true, it MUST be properly managed.

My suggestion is that you change the way you perceive stress … and make it work for you, not against.  Knowing that you will be faced with unavoidable stress, here are a few tips to add to your stress management routine.

·         Eat a healthy, nutrient-rich breakfast.  An often overlooked exercise, your body will not have the fuel it needs to function and mitigate stress with just a hot cup of coffee.

·         Get plenty of rest and a good night’s sleep.  Sleep-deprived people start the race under a tremendous amount of internal stress.  It is important to remember that it doesn’t matter how much you have to do, you need rest.  And if you think you don’t, your body does.  By the way, your mind needs rest, too.

·         Establish priorities and stick to them.  When faced with a list of tasks too long to complete, knowing what your priorities are helps to immediately put the list into its proper perspective.

·         Do the best you can what the tools and time you have.  If you can authentically make that statement, then know that you have done all you are capable of doing.  Another person’s expectations for more will never provide the fuel for doing more than you are capable of doing.

·         Tell the truth.  Sometimes, stress is created by our inability or unwillingness to tell the hard truths.  While initially uncomfortable, a few minutes of discomfort at the onset of a difficult conversation is infinitely healthier than days, weeks or months of internal anxiety simply because you did not have the courage to speak truth.
This brief visit to the stress we all are facing (or soon will) is meant to help you change your perspective about the stress in your life.  Hopefully, I’ve given you a few new tools to add to your toolkit or, at the very least, a different way of thinking about stress.

By Jayne Jackson, MCTAC Project Manager
We'd be remiss if we didn't mention that at Illinois Tech, we all have access to the LifeWorks Employee Assistance Program, a free, confidential service available 24/7 online or on the phone to assist with a variety of work-life balance issues. 
LifeWorks will be at Illinois Tech on August 27 and 30 for a noon presentation on Navigating Workplace Change.  Click here for more information and to register.


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